About Us
LEARNING TOGETHER TUTORIALS developed over time since 2008 to meet the needs of older students who want to take some of their classes outside the home in a Christian environment. Currently, our ministry helps families in the greater Worcester County and Boston Metro areas by supplementing what they do at home. We attempt to provide a positive social environment, a challenging academic atmosphere, and opportunities to take courses that are more difficult to manage one-on-one at home. By offering quality classes taught by quality tutors, we are hoping to provide the opportunity for families to have the support needed to continue homeschooling through the middle and high school years. Registration is done May through the summer and students have the option to take a single class, a few, or do most of their classes in this setting.
Classes are held on Wednesdays from September to May at: Faith Fellowship Church 647 Douglas Street Uxbridge, MA 01569 |